Red Rock History
Oklahoma Mental Health d/b/a Red Rock Behavioral Health Services started from a small grassroots group of individuals and a budget of $50,000.

History of Red Rock
Oklahoma Mental Health Council d/b/a Red Rock Behavioral Health Services is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit agency that is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Red Rock started over 44 years ago with a small grass-roots group of individuals and a budget of $50,000. Later it became a federally funded Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) under the Federal Community Mental Health Act.
Over the decades, Red Rock has evolved and grown in very unique ways and today provides behavioral health services to about 13,000 consumers each year across 24 sites serving over 20 counties with a budget over $50 million. Red Rock employs over 600 staff including psychiatrists, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), Physician Assistants, Licensed Behavioral Health Practitioners (LBHP’s), Behavioral Health Care Managers, Care Coordinators, Family Support Providers, Recovery Support Specialists, Chemical Dependency Techs and Behavioral Health Aids.
Geographically, Red Rock is the largest CMHC in Oklahoma, and the second largest in terms of consumers served. Red Rock provides a unique, comprehensive array of services for adults and children besides traditional outpatient and community services of individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, group rehabilitation, individual rehabilitation, case management, and crisis intervention. Red Rock assures all staff are trained in cultural competency and services are delivered in a trauma-informed and recovery-focused manner taking into consideration gender and age-specific issues.
Below is Red Rock’s History through the decades.
The Oklahoma Mental Health Council (OMHC) was formed and chartered as a non-profit organization. OMHC became an Advisory Board to the University of Oklahoma Medical School’s Department of Child Psychiatry and agreed to provide them a free building. In return, the Department of Psychiatry agreed to provide some free mental health services to underserved children and families in Northeast Oklahoma City who do not qualify as “training cases.”

Federal Block Grant Funds were transferred to the State Department of Mental Health. A series of state budget cuts began and continued over several years. As dictated by the state, a period of dramatic transition began shifting emphasis from the federal priority of prevention and services to children and families to a primary focus on serving the seriously mentally ill population. New specialized offices designed for day hospital activities opened in both Shawnee and Chandler. A Fairweather Lodge program began to provide housing for seriously mentally ill persons being discharged from state hospitals. Parkview Place increased from 12 beds to 24. A unique program, the only one of its kind offered by a CMHC in Oklahoma, open for persons affected by HIV/AIDS. Counseling, support, crisis intervention, and employment coordination are made available. Its employment component is highlighted in a national publication as one of the 13 most progressive HIV/AIDS programs in the country. A highly successful one-year foundation grant for this program expires and is not funded by the state so the program ends.
The Clinton Crisis Unit opened in 1990 as part of New Horizon’s service array.

1991 was a year of significant accomplishments for Red Rock. Red Rock was named one of the 12 best mental health centers in America in the national publication Care of the Seriously Mentally Ill: A Rating of State Programs. It was the only facility in the entire Southwestern USA to make the list. Revenue from Medicaid and sources other than ODMHSAS became the largest percentage of the total budget. Two new contracts were funded by the Department of Human Services which allowed for significant expansion of services to children at risk of out-of-home placement.
In April 1992, Red Rock became the first mental health center in Oklahoma to receive a full three-year accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Accreditation is received in three program categories: community mental health, psychosocial rehabilitation, and supported employment.
Red Rock’s vocational training and placement program for the mentally disabled was the largest of its kind in the state. It received state and regional awards. More than 30 grants and contracts were in place to enable the expansion of client services to selected target populations.
An office opened in Seminole to serve children and adolescents in an underserved area.
Red Rock’s Mobile Crisis Team was at work within an hour of the April 19th bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Over the following month, more than one thousand hours of free services were given to those affected.
Red Rock joined with three healthcare organizations to market and provide services to meet the new state-managed care standards. The result was Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) which offered a complete continuum of mental health services for individuals of all ages.
The State cut the reimbursement rates for Medicaid, the largest funding source of community mental health centers, by 30%. This resulted in staff and service reductions at Red Rock. Home-based family services were seriously cut. An intensive treatment program for disturbed preschool children was eliminated after 20 years of operation.
Fee-for-service Medicaid was replaced with a Managed Care System in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Lawton areas.
In 1995, Red Rock received its second three-year accreditation from CARF. The number of programs certified increased from three to eight.

1995-1999 a children’s rehab program was provided in Seminole.
In 1996, Red Rock moved into offices at 4400 N. Lincoln.
Creekside, a residential treatment center for the seriously mentally ill, opened in Chandler in 1997.
Parkview Place Housing expanded from 24 to 36 beds.
Dacotah Village, a 32-unit apartment complex, opened to provide housing for those affected by HIV, most of whom also suffered from behavioral health/substance abuse problems.
Red Rock began providing Drug Court services in Elk City in 1997. For well over a decade Red Rock has shown successful outcomes in Drug Court and Mental Health Court programs. Recognizing that Drug Courts are the most effective justice intervention for drug-addicted individuals, the agency has had a strong commitment to these programs. Today Red Rock has four drug court programs covering six rural counties west of Oklahoma City and a mental health court in Oklahoma City.
In 1998, Red Rock became the first CMHC in Oklahoma to employee a full time HIV Testing Counselor to work with persons affected/effected by HIV/AIDS. Currently Red Rock has 2 full time HIV counselors also trained as Hepatitis C testers that travel to various locations in the community targeting individuals at risk of HIV as well as Hepatitis C. Additionally, Red Rock receives state funding dedicated to serving the needs of the LGBTQ community.
In 1998, a merger occurred with New Horizons Behavioral Health Services that resulted in Red Rock’s expansion into eight western Oklahoma counties, with four outpatient locations, a housing program and an adult Crisis Stabilization Unit. Verna Foust was the CEO of New Horizons and after initial discussions about a merger with Al Friedman, 6 weeks later the deal was complete on September 1.
In 1998 Achievement House, the Clubhouse Program in Oklahoma City, received full three-year certification from the International Center for Clubhouse Development on November 15, 1999. It was one of a very small number in Oklahoma to ever attain this.
In 1998, Red Rock received its third three-year accreditation from CARF.
Red Rock staff provided post-disaster services in virtually every school in Lincoln County following the devastating tornadoes of May 1999.
Red Rock was awarded a contract to establish a Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) in Tulsa for intensive treatment of the most severely mentally ill. This program, one of the first two in Oklahoma, was a model for other areas of the state in future years. Red Rock had one of the first Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) teams in the state in Tulsa, OK and provided services there from 2002-2013. In 2004, Red Rock added a PACT team in Oklahoma City and in 2006 in Shawnee. PACT is a team treatment approach designed to provide comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support to persons with serious and persistent mental illness such as schizophrenia. Among the services PACT teams provide are: case management; initial and ongoing assessments; psychiatric services; employment and housing assistance; family support and education; substance abuse services, and other services and supports critical to an individual’s ability to live successfully in the community. PACT services are available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. In FY2014, Red Rock’s PACT teams diverted from hospitalization 60 percent of persons in crisis; 91% of participants had permanent housing, and only one percent experienced arrests.
In 2001, Wrap Around Services for children and families were initiated at Red Rock West. This program involved both the provision and coordination of a full range of services needed by at-risk youth. Once again, this was a model program for other facilities to follow. SOC is designed to target high risk youth and their families to provide wraparound services to strengthen families and prevent out of home placement. In 2015, Red Rock Wrap Around has expanded to ten sites serving 20 counties.
Red Rock again received a three-year accreditation from CARF in 2001; this time for 14 separate programs in 19 different offices and residential facilities. Four new programs were accredited—Intensive Family-Based Services, Prevention, Crisis Stabilization, and Detoxification.
In 2001, the town of Cordell was hit hard by a tornado and hundreds lost their homes and several injuries occurred. Red Rock worked with the City of Cordell to provide crisis related counseling to recover from the disaster.
Affiliate agreements were in place with over 70 mental health and related service providers.
In 2002, West Haven Housing opened in Clinton.
Red Rock North was awarded a special contract for the provision of substance abuse services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered population in the greater Oklahoma City area.
July 1, 2003, a merger with Chisholm Trail Counseling Center added two more counties with three outpatient offices. Both projects were legally, administratively and clinically complex in nature, and required significant collaboration between the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health, the Boards of Directors of the agencies and staff at all levels.
Red Rock’s history spans four decades and represents a carefully cultivated relationship with various diverse groups and community partners. In 2003, Red Rock formed a partnership with Northcare CMHC to establish a joint-venture medication clinic and pharmacy providing services to consumers of both entities, onsite at Red Rock. This creative partnership has proven highly beneficial to consumers, serving over 4,200 individuals per month with psychotropic medications. Through this 11-year partnership, consumers have had significantly greater access to Patient Assistance Medications at no cost to the consumer. This has dramatically increased the medications available to these consumer populations and aided their treatment.
In 2004, Red Rock opened the first Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit in Oklahoma. Red Rock Children’s Crisis Unit is a 16-bed community-based stabilization center located in Oklahoma City. The purpose is to fill a critical gap in the present continuum of care to children in Oklahoma. The mission is to quickly assess a child in crisis, stabilize the crisis and then refer to an appropriate level of care. The unit serves children ages 10 to 17 and is fully staffed with mental health technicians, registered nurses, licensed therapists around the clock to provide this service. Red Rock also has a child psychiatrist who evaluates and treats the children seven days a week and the length of stay is normally five to seven days. This program has been highly successful and has served youth all across Oklahoma. Red Rock provides Crisis Stabilization services to over 500 youth per year and diverts 90% from further inpatient treatment.
Also in 2004, Wrap Around services began in Pottawatomie County.
In 2004, Red Rock received its 4th CARF Accreditation.
In 2006, the patient census at Griffin Memorial Hospital, in Norman, was constantly more than 200 in five units licensed for approximately 150 consumers, causing the need for mattresses on the floor for the overflow. It was at this time that the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services requested Red Rock Behavioral Health Services consider opening a Crisis Stabilization Unit in a vacant unit on the grounds of Griffin Memorial Hospital. On November 1, 2006, Red Rock responded to that request by opening a 26-bed Crisis Unit within 60 days. In that first fiscal year, which was only 8 months, Red Rock BHS evaluated 1,125 consumers, admitting 841. Out of those only 181 consumers were court-committed on to Griffin for further treatment which is 16% of all consumers evaluated and 22% of all the consumers admitted. This meant that 80% of the consumers were being stabilized and referred back into the community for outpatient services. This new service made an instant impact on Griffin Memorial Hospital and their census was quickly lowered to around 150.
On July 19, 2006, Red Rock started the Continuous Quality Improvement Department, moving from a QA Department of two employees to a seven-member team including five Quality Care Coordinators, one Manager, and a Director. This department is dedicated to staff training, chart review, and compliance with funding source requirements and contract deliverables. Treatment teams were re-introduced across the agency as a way to present service plans and provide common training information. Red Rock has earned a reputation for measuring the effectiveness of programs and a rigorous continuous quality improvement process which is measured through programmatic outcomes and consumer satisfaction. The CQI group is skilled at data collection and reporting for the entire agency. It is believed Red Rock is the only CMHC in Oklahoma to have dedicated the resources to form and maintain this important CQI function.
In 2006, Wrap Around services began in Lincoln and Blaine counties.
In 2007, Red Rock received its 5th CARF Accreditation.
In 2008, Red Rock was one of the first CMHCs in the state to offer Telemedicine services to consumers through Medication Clinics and to become an Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) Approved Network site. Through telemedicine services, Red Rock was able to improve access to mental health consumers in areas that are underserved and without psychiatric services. An early collaboration with the Oklahoma State University medical school in Tulsa resulted in Red Rock receiving equipment to begin this vital service. The first telemedicine clinic was provided to consumers in Shawnee with the psychiatrist at the distant site located in the Oklahoma City office. Red Rock has continued to expand this service to meet the needs of their consumers who are located in rural areas. Because of this service, more consumers are able to see their psychiatrist regularly to oversee their psychiatric needs. The overall consensus and reception from the consumers have been very positive. Red Rock provides over 10,000 services per year via telemedicine and telemedicine services are available at every location.
Also in 2008, Red Rock began an Area Resource Prevention Program in Yukon. These federally funded Prevention Programs in Yukon and Clinton span 11 counties that work with community coalitions, parents, school groups, businesses, law enforcement, alcohol retailers, and other stakeholders to create sustainable and effective community partnerships aimed at reducing underage drinking and other issues related to drug and alcohol abuse.
In December 2008, Red Rock opened the doors to the new El Reno location on Highway 77. A local newspaper article called it “a state-of-the-art facility.” The move to this facility combined three previous locations into one building: El Reno Outpatient, Yukon Outpatient, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services in Yukon.
In August 2009, the ODMHSAS again asked Red Rock BHS to expand its unit by 30 beds to further reduce the census at Griffin Memorial Hospital. Again, Red Rock BHS responded and opened 30 more beds on October 1, 2009, offering a total of 56 Crisis Stabilization Beds to the Communities of Central and Southern Oklahoma making Red Rock one of the largest crisis units in the State of Oklahoma. The impact again helped Griffin Memorial Hospital not only reduce but cap its bed capacity at 120, stretching state dollars and assisting the Department in budget cuts that were being implemented throughout State Government at that time. Red Rock BHS Norman Crisis Unit has established an outstanding team of psychiatrists (two full-time, one part time and six contract physicians) that not only conduct evaluations of the consumers in crisis to determine if admission is needed and warranted but work with the consumers for immediate stabilization and referral. Red Rock’s leadership for the unit, psychiatrists, team of therapists, nurses and mental health tech’s have many years of experience working with this population which is illustrated by the positive consumer satisfaction surveys, the very low consumer complaints and low use of seclusion and restraints. Red Rock provides Crisis Stabilization services to almost 3,000 adults each year.
In 2009, Wrap Around services were added to Grady and Caddo County.
In March 2010, Red Rock began a fully electronic medical records system. Also in 2010, Wrap Around services were added to Oklahoma City, and Red Rock received its 6th CARF Accreditation.
In 2011, Wrap Around services began in Kingfisher County.
In September 2011, the OKC PACT team moved into 4420 N. Lincoln.
In November 2011, Red Rock signed a Management Agreement to operate Jordan’s Crossing. This facility in south Oklahoma City provides residential substance abuse treatment to women with dependent children. A few months later Red Rock took over full operations and ownership of the facility and was able to gain new funding from the ODMHSAS under the Smart on Crime Initiative and expanded the beds from 60 to 80. Later the next year, that facility received an 1.8 million dollar renovation to the facility to make it a state of art residential facility for women and children.
In 2011, Red Rock acquired property at 4130 N Lincoln Blvd and in June 2012, CQI and SOC moved into the building. Also, office space was leased at Expressions Community Center to provide behavioral health services and HIV testing to the LGBTQ population.
October 2, 2012, Red Rock partnered with Norman Regional Hospital and opened 16 crisis unit beds on its campus, and decreased the Red Rock crisis beds at Griffin to 40.
December 10, 2012, Founding CEO, Allyn Friedman passed away after being at the helm of Red Rock for 38 years. In January 2013, Verna Foust was named Interim CEO and on May 21st, 2013 was named CEO of Red Rock. New Chief Operating Officers were selected: Steve Norwood, COO of Specialized Services, and Dr. Wana Ellison, COO of Outpatient Services.
January 2013, the Red Rock Access Center opened at 4130 N Lincoln. This centralized location for all incoming calls increased the efficiency and quality of care to Red Rock consumers.
Jordan’s Crossing held its grand opening on February 8, 2013, and welcomed guests included Governor Mary Fallin and ODMHSAS Commissioner Terri White.
In March 2013, Red Rock Wrap Around began the Rockwell Project with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services as part of the DHS Pinnacle Plan. This project ended in 2014.
At least 24 Red Rock clinicians volunteered over 320 hours with ODMHSAS Health Response Team to provide mental health services to May 31 Moore tornado survivors.
In July of 2013, Red Rock collaborated with the ODMHSAS and the Midwest City, OK Police Department in a unique project designed to provide a cost-efficient alternative to traditional court sentencing and reduce recidivism among SMI and/or substance dependence offenders by providing appropriate treatment and supervision. Midwest City operates the largest municipal jail in Oklahoma processing over 2800 inmates per year. In the last eight months, 170 inmates have been screened, 31 were accepted in the program and 4 have graduated. All timelines and milestones have been met by successful collaboration with the agencies involved and ongoing meetings monitoring progress.
Red Rock has also been the leader in Oklahoma CMHC IT systems and programs through its partnership with software industry leader, NetSmart, and with Red Rock’s capital commitments it has made to this effort. In 2013, Red Rock became the first CMHC in Oklahoma to connect to the Health Information Exchange (HIE), providing physicians and clinicians valuable health information regarding the consumer’s care at other healthcare facilities and other providers that could enhance the quality and safety of consumer care. Likewise, the HIE offers providers outside Red Rock access to information about their mental health services, if the consumer opts to allow for the distribution of this information. In addition, Red Rock was among the first CMHCs in Oklahoma to have the capacity for its psychiatrists and other prescribers to electronically prescribe consumer medications to almost any pharmacy in Oklahoma. This availability of e-prescribing, coupled with the telemedicine opportunity, opens the door widely for consumers to access and receive mental health services.
Red Rock received its 7th CARF Accreditation in 2013.
Red Rock celebrated its 40th birthday in 2014.
January 27, 2014, Red Rock began providing services to Drug Court participants in Custer and Washita Counties.
In 2014, Wrap Around services began for Kiowa and Greer Counties.
In 2014, Red Rock’s Yukon location was highlighted in the National Drug Control Strategy from President Obama to the U.S. Congress, regarding its significant collaboration and work with the local sheriff’s department.
Also in 2014, Red Rock was the first entity in the United States to receive funding from the Universal Service Administrative Company, Rural Health Care Healthcare Division – Healthcare Connect Fund. This entity is affiliated with the Federal Communications Commission in Washington D.C. This funding is for a three-year period and totals approximately $500,000. This program works in conjunction with the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund under the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The funding is approved to begin in May 2014 through May 2017. As a leader in telehealth services in Oklahoma, Red Rock is pleased to be the first in the nation to receive this funding to aid in the service provision of telepsychiatry to our consumers.
In March 2014, Red Rock’s service area was expanded by ODMHSAS to include Kingfisher County.
The lease on the Hobart office began on March 15, 2014, and SOC began providing services in this office in April.
November 1, 2014, Red Rock Altus opened.
December 18, 2014, through a competitive bid process, Red Rock was awarded contracts with ODMHSAS to provide Adult and Youth Health Home services in the following counties: Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Beckham, Greer, Kiowa, Washita, Custer, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Grady, Garvin, Pontotoc, Seminole, Murray, Johnston, Bryan, Love, Carter, Marshall, Kingfisher, Logan, Lincoln, Pottawatomie, Jackson, Harmon, and Tillman.
February 3, 2015, Red Rock was awarded the Drug Court contract for South West Oklahoma (Third Judicial Court Jackson County).
On January 15, 2016, Red Rock had the Grand Opening for Planet Rock, a new state-of-the-art, trauma-informed outpatient children’s clinic at 4130 N. Lincoln Blvd. in Oklahoma City. This was Red Rock’s first separate facility for children and was considered a huge milestone. It also brought Red Rock’s first full-time child psychiatrist and with the use of telepsychiatry, would allow children all over Red Rock’s catchment area, including many rural areas to receive services.
In September of 2015, Red Rock went live with a new state-of-the-art Clinical Software, Netsmart’s MyAvatar. This was a significant accomplishment for Red Rock that took over a year of planning and implementation.
In January of 2016, Oklahoma was one of 24 states awarded a planning grant by SAMSHA to become a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). The ODMHSAS selected 3 CMHCs in Oklahoma to participate: Red Rock, NorthCare, and Grand Lake. After a year of the planning grant, Oklahoma was again awarded the demonstration piece along with 7 other states and the same 3 Oklahoma CMHC’s began that phase in April of 2017. The CCBHC was a part of the Excellence in Mental Health Act passed by Congress and designed to provide a comprehensive range of mental health and substance use disorder services, particularly to vulnerable individuals with the most complex needs during a federal demonstration program with participating states. After the demonstration phase, it was hoped that it would be rolled out as a national model.
In 2016, Red Rock received its 8th CARF Accreditation.
Starting in 2016, Red Rock began an initiative to greatly expand the knowledge and expertise of staff in the treatment of substance use disorders. In July of 2016, Red Rock opened a Medication Assisted Treatment Program specifically to treat Opioid Use Disorders and added education and availability of Naloxone for the community. Over the course of the next year, and continuing into the future, Red Rock has a commitment to continue to expand and develop our workforce in best practices to treat co-occurring and substance use disorders.
In January of 2017, Red Rock started a new program called NAVIGATE, and national Best Practice program by SAMSHA designed for adolescents and young adults (ages 15–40) who have experienced a first episode of psychosis. The program aims to help individuals who have developed psychotic symptoms that seem consistent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, and their families, in finding their way toward psychological and functional well-being and access to the services they need in the mental health system. NAVIGATE promotes recovery from the impact of symptoms associated with a mental illness while also improving social and academic functioning. NAVIGATE is based on the idea that recovery from a recent onset of schizophrenia is possible through the use of carefully monitored medication in combination with fully integrated psychosocial rehabilitation interventions (based on evidence-based practices such as Illness Management and Recovery and Supported Employment and Education), which incorporate skills training that fosters the development of resiliency.
2017-2018 was a time of growth within Red Rock mainly driven by becoming a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CBHC) for 3 years as part of the federal demonstration, expiring September 30, 2023. Our Service array expanded and our employees reached the highest point ever at 639.
In April of 2018, during the My Mind Matters Day at the Capitol, Red Rock was named by the Oklahoma Citizen Advocated for Recovery and Transformation Association (OCARTA) as Mental Health Center of the Year.
In March 2018, Red Rock purchased land in Weatherford Oklahoma to build a new facility to serve our clients in western Oklahoma. Groundbreaking occurred in July 2018 and construction began on an almost 24,000 square foot facility. Once construction is complete the Clinton operations and staff will move to the new facility in Weatherford.
In late 2018, Red Rock was awarded $325,000 in Opioid Flex funds to enhance telehealth capabilities for the purchase of tablets and apps to utilize as treatment extenders for clients recovering from Opioid dependence.
In the fall of 2018, Red Rock began preparing to launch an IPS program. Individual Placement and Support is an outpatient program that helps individuals with mental illness obtain/maintain regular employment and/or educational goals of their preference. The official launch took place on January 7, 2019, and by spring IPS “success stories” were shared by Regional Program directors.
In late 2018 and early 2019 RR leadership was successful in advocacy efforts with state and federal Oklahoma legislators. Staff from Senator Inhofe’s office visited Red Rock central office and U.S. Representative Kendra Horn participated in a meeting with ODMHSAS commissioner Terri White, RR CEO Verna Foust, and COO Dr. Wana Ellison. Outreach was conducted, via email and phone with all of the Oklahoma Congressional delegation with Senator Cole and Senator Inhofe signing on as Co-sponsors of important federal legislation to continue the CCBHC model in Oklahoma.
In January of 2019, Red Rock’s Jordan’s Crossing site was chosen as one of only two sites statewide to receive funding to provide innovative services and supports to improve the physical and mental health of pregnant and postpartum women. 186,000 dollars will be allocated to Red Rock each fiscal year for five years.
In February 2019, Red Rock was awarded funding from the SAMHSA and the Oklahoma State Department of Education via a contract with ODMHSAS for Project AWARE in Weatherford and Elk City Systems of Care programs. The purpose of this program is to build or expand the capacity of State Educational Agencies, in partnership with State Mental Health Agencies overseeing school-aged youth and local education agencies to (1) increase awareness of mental health issues among school-aged youth; (2) provide training for school personnel and other adults who interact with school-aged youth to detect and respond to mental health issues; and (3) connect school-aged youth, who may have behavioral health issues (including serious emotional disturbance [SED] or serious mental illness [SMI]), and their families to needed services. For additional funding for the FY20 AWARE program, Weatherford awarded $44,000 and Elk City awarded $57,000.
In the spring of 2019, with support from ODMHSAS Red Rock launched a Housing First program that emphasizes housing as the foundation for an individual to begin working on their recovery goals. Housing First emphasizes client choice and Red Rock housing staff offer a variety of other supportive services to Housing First participants.
The spring of 2019 was a very busy time for Red Rock as we were on our 3-year cycle of accreditation through CARF and ODMHSAS. Both the CARF accreditation and ODMHSAS Certifications for CCBHC, CMHC, and BHH were completed with very few deficiencies. Additionally, Red Rock has been in the process of wrapping up a Risk Management needs assessment with the Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality. Red Rock spent much of 2018 and early 2019 collaborating with Afia Health, a healthcare Information Technology consulting firm to Afia to focus on process improvement with key areas of revenue cycle and service utilization. Red Rock is changing our culture to be data-driven, moving from “I feel” to “I know”.
In May 2019, Red Rock was awarded a new contract to start a Diabetes Self-Management (DSM) program in Lincoln County with the goal of rolling out the model to other counties in late FY2020. $5,000 per fiscal year flex funding is provided to buy materials to help consumers improve the tracking and management of their diabetes and overall health. Red Rock nursing staff, among others, will be trained in the DSM curriculum from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
In June of 2019, the State Plan Amendment (SPA) for Mental Health Services at the Oklahoma Health Care Authority was updated to allow CCBHC model of services to be provided by both providers currently in the CCBHC demonstration project as well as other Community Mental Health Centers.
In late August 2019, Red Rock was awarded a 3-year Rural Community Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grant by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Grant funding is for Red Rock and 3 other consortium members to provide Opioid use prevention and treatment services in Beckham, Blaine, Custer and Washita counties. Other consortium members include the Department of Human Services offices in the rural service area, Southwestern Oklahoma State University department of Psychology and the Prevention division from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Total funding for 3 years is 1 million dollars to implement a set of evidence-based interventions and promising practices that align with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Service’s Five-Point Strategy to Combat the Opioid Crisis. Strategies include hosting town halls, community chats, various evidence-based trainings and screenings and other prevention programs including the distribution of Naltrexone kits. Funding will also cover salaries for a Therapist, Case Manager, Peer Recovery Support Specialist, and a prescriber to expand MAT services into the rural service area. Additionally, Red Rock has joined a consortium led by the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation for a 1-year RCORP planning grant to prepare for application for another RCORP grant in a neighboring RSA in Southwestern Oklahoma.
In September 2019 Red Rock was the recipient of a 100,000 dollar gift from the Johnson & Johnson Family company in recognition of the success we’ve had in preventing and treating behavioral health disorders.
Also in September, the United States Congress extended CCBHC funding until November when it will be considered along with other relevant health care legislation. An extension was awarded and Red Rock CCBHC has been extended until September 30, 2023.
In the fall of 2019, Red Rock was awarded an over 200% increase in funding to expand important offender screening diversion programs from a few counties to over a dozen counties going from $94,000 to almost $320,000 in funding annually.
In November 2019, RR was awarded two new contracts to provide Mental Health Court services in both Canadian and Pottawatomie counties with approximately $100,000 per year per county. Additionally, Misdemeanor Diversion was awarded for Beckham, Blaine, Canadian, Custer, Jackson, Kingfisher, Roger Mills, and Washita Counties.
In late 2019, The Daily Oklahoman designated Red Rock as a top place to work in the annual survey conducted by the Daily Oklahoman. The Oklahoma, recognized Red Rock as top workplace in Oklahoma, rated at number twelve (12), a large company, with 350 plus employees. To celebrate, the Red Rock CEO and COO visited each site to make the announcement and express gratitude for the staff’s hard work and dedication.
In January 2020, Red Rock was awarded two new contracts with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) to provide services in conjunction with the DOC Community-Sentencing program. The goal of Community Sentencing is to reduce recidivism rates and provide much-needed services including substance use disorder screening, assessments and treatment, case management, and peer recovery support services. Jordan’s Crossing and the new Red Rock Weatherford location are the two sites providing Community Sentencing services under these contracts.
January 2020, Red Rock received funding for Beckham & Roger Mills County for Rural Transportation Access for clients seen in Drug Court Furthermore, RR received funding for the same clients for Access to technology that would allow them to have more contact with clinical staff in order to have positive outcomes increasing compliance with Drug Court and treatment.
In February 2020, Red Rock opened Weatherford’s new state-of-the-art treatment facility in Weatherford Business & Industrial Park. Outpatient services started on February 10, 2020 & Crisis Unit opened its doors on February 14, 2020. Open House, July 17, 2020, was a success with Senator Darcy Jech, Senator Brent Howard, and Representative Todd Russ in attendance. The following Facebook link displays pictures of the new facility and the ribbon cutting, (
On March 13, 2020, Red Rock Leadership met to plan a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Red Rock Leadership responded consciously and quickly using information from the CDC and OK State Department of Health to ensure an appropriate response to COVID-19. Policy was developed and implemented to ensure client and staff safety. Red Rock is continuing to utilize telehealth services in all 17 counties to reduce exposure for clients and continue providing treatment.
In April 2020, ODMHSAS awarded funding to address COVID-19, particularly increasing outreach to raise community awareness regarding available services and how to access services. Funding earmarked for marketing produced a commercial that aired on KOCO between August – October. Red Rock posted this commercial to the Red Rock Facebook page, (
Red Rock received the CCBHC COVID Expansion Grant in May 2020. The expansion grant broadens Red Rock’s capacity to reach consumers – particularly in underserved areas. Born of this grant are the Virtual X Outpatient Clinic (VOP) and Virtual Response Team (VRT – formerly known as Mobile Crisis). The Virtual X Outpatient Clinic offers consumers the option of receiving the full range of Red Rock’s CCBHC services through virtual means in their homes. VOP improves access to services for these consumers – providing screenings, assessments, diagnosis, evidence-based treatments, and recovery support in a person-and-family-centered model. VOP improves access to these services, particularly for those consumers who may not have access to public transportation, lack resources for travel, have work-schedule conflicts, and may need alternate hours to access treatment. Virtual Outpatient services also benefit those consumers who wish anonymity in seeking services. VRT provides Crisis Intervention care and follow-up for consumers, working closely with Community Partners to ensure best practices and the excellent care of clients in crisis and/or those seeking resources. In this capacity, the Red Rock mobile crisis team (now functioning as VRT), established during the Demonstration years, strengthens those community partnerships and provides a much-needed service in Red Rock communities that improve integrated care. The continuous work of building and fostering relationships among our community partners through enhanced collaborations increases access to services with the goal of increased positive outcomes for Red Rock consumers.
Red Rock joined forces with Cohen Veterans Network to provide treatment, predominately post 9/11 Veterans and their families, in spring 2020. The Steven A Cohen Military Family Clinic, located in Lawton, is currently undergoing CARF accreditation. The clinic works collaboratively with all other entities that provide services to our Military servicemen, women, and their families, specifically designed to meet the unique demands of our Military patrons. Special emphasis placed on hiring staff that have direct experience working with military cultural and networks. Red Rock anticipates capacity to provide cultural evidence-based services, vastly increasing the volume & quality of services to military personnel and families.
FY 21
Red Rock expanded the Assisted Outpatient Treatment model into Pottawatomie and Canadian County, in July 2020. This grant-generated $257k to assist with reaching consumers who may need additional outreach to engage in treatment services.
Red Rock expanded Offender Screening to four additional counties, Blaine, Kingfisher, Greer, and Jackson County.
In August 2020, Newsweek evaluated the best addiction treatment centers in 2020, reviewing the top 20 states with the highest number of addiction treatment centers. Red Rock ranked number 2 in Oklahoma ( for residential treatment facility, Jordan’s Crossing. Specifically, Jordan’s Crossing, is known for best practices in substance use treatment for pregnant women and women with dependent children.
August 2020, Red Rock, negotiated a contract with WellPath to provide medication-assisted treatment to inmates with an opioid addiction at the Federal Correctional Institution in El Reno, OK.
In September 2020, the US Congress passed a relief package to further address the repercussions of COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES Act generated $250 million in funding for CCBHC’s nationally. Red Rock was honored to receive the contract, Hero Care, to expand treatment to our law enforcement colleagues that focuses on caring for those who have provided protection and service during this uncertain time. Therapy will be offered to officers to process traumatic events, address grief, and offer family therapy. Furthermore, RR will be able to offer training addressing issues related to trauma and grief that will be CLEET certified. Special attention was given to confidently and anonymity for officers that have close collaboration with local RR agencies. Therefore, Red Rock worked in partnership with Family and Children’s Services in Tulsa, Oklahoma, agreeing to see the other’s clients to deliver a higher degree of anonymity and confidentiality. The CARES Act also generated a contract for Technology Expansion to assist with the growing need for Virtual Services.
In October 2020, Red Rock’s annual all-staff meeting was held on a virtual platform due to restrictions from in-person events due to COVID-19. Red Rock’s Human Resources Department provided staff with February 2021, ODMHSAS awarded additional funding for Helping Connections 2. This funding addresses SMI, non-SMI, and healthcare workers experiencing distress due to COVID-19. This contract encompasses intensive outreach to engage the community and other service providers to address community needs. Funding is earmarked for adding additional Outreach and Engagement staff, PPE, and advertising. Due to high demand, the Mental Health Association Organization and Red Rock closely collaborated to meet the demands of the growing homeless population that are being affected by COVID-19. Red Rock provided MHAO with an IPAD to collaborate with scheduling appointments and crisis diversion services.
Red Rock staff distributed over 975 Narcan kits from the beginning of FY20 until March 2021.
In February 2021, the Clinical Development Department was formed to foster clinical excellence in Red Rock staff through enhancing clinical processes and providing clinical training and coaching for staff.
In April 2021, Red Rock IPS supervisor, Debra Prim, was awarded IPS Supervisor of the Year. ODMHSAS presented the award at the Employment and Housing Summit. Debra currently supervises 5 IPS employees throughout Red Rock’s catchment area.
Red Rock Human Resources department hosted an employee appreciation week in April 2021.
Red Rock has expanded the MAT clinic to participants in Canadian County Drug Court and Jordan’s Crossing. Red Rock anticipates expanding MAT Clinic services to participants in the Oklahoma County Drug Court at our Oklahoma City location and Yukon location by May 2021.
Red Rock is in the process of applying for funding to expand MAT Clinic in 3 additional Red Rock locations.
FY 22
September 2021 Red Rock was awarded the CMHC Route 180 grant. Targeting high utilizers of services for the population with Co-Occurring Disorders and Severely Mentally Ill to address the increasing gap in services due to COVID. Through Route 180, RR will deliver clinical services to 400 unduplicated individuals each year, for a total of 800 individuals served. This grant start & end date is 09/30/2020 to 09/29/2023.
In September 2021, Red Rock was awarded funding to expand the MAT Clinic into 3 additional counties; Pottawatomie, Canadian County, and Custer Counties. This grant is a 5-year grant with a total of $1,260,000 at $525,000 a year over the next 5 years. This grant will serve 40 consumers in the first and second years for MAT Clinic services.
Red Rock received $3,000 for a fundraiser, AID Walk Grant.
Red Rock received a contract from DMH targeting transitional youth in January 2022 for $200k. SOC – Young Adult Transition Services – Oklahoma Healthy Transitions Initiative furnishes the necessary resources to provide treatment, support, and crisis services to young adults combating mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring issues. Evidenced-based services such as SOC Wraparound, Transition to Independence, Housing First, and IPS will be offered in addition to intensive outreach services.
Red Rock received $500k in October 2021 to embed an Urgent Care in Elk City and El Reno.
Red Rock received $2,140,344 to build a Crisis Unit and Urgent Care in Shawnee.
Red Rock CCBHC Expansion grant served 2,967 unduplicated consumers with the Virtual Response Team and engaged 610 consumers in virtual services through the Virtual Outpatient Clinic.
The Steven A Cohen Military Family Clinic at Red Rock, located in Lawton, celebrates its Grand Opening attended by Gov. Kevin Stitt.
Red Rock received the Competency Evaluation fixed contract and the Competency Restoration sole source contract totaling $699,600. The contract provides $210,000 to provide wrap-around competency services to consumers in jails. If the consumers are found to have a need for restoration assistance $489,600 to was awarded to provide medications to those consumers.
In January 2022, Red Rock Human Resources establishes the Red Rock Cares foundation. Red Rock cares establishment is pursuant to provide scholarships and other opportunities to at-risk youth. Additionally. the Clinical Development Department (CDD) was started to continue to enhance the clinical excellence of Red Rock. An essential part of this success is the recruitment and development of clinically astute staff whose experience, high-quality training, continued education, and development in their career choice at Red Rock.
Red Rock is awarded the Q Space Specialty Population $100,000 contract. This resource was used to appoint a Youth Coordinator and start Q Space where Red Rock provides a community social space for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.
In February, Red Rock begins operations at Norman Outpatient Clinic with a soft opening at 900 N. Porter Ave, with a Grand Opening scheduled for later in 2022.
Red Rock enters a partnership with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma to provide free legal services to Red Rock clients.
Red Rock BHS continues its pattern of excellence and was named 2022 Top Workplace in Oklahoma.
June 2022, Red Rock’s Shawnee Outpatient Clinic celebrates its Grand Opening attended by the Greater Shawnee Chamber of Commerce.
Governor Kevin Stitt signed Senate Bill 1048 into law at The Steven A Cohen Military Family Clinic at Red Rock, Lawton, providing $1.3mil in funding, $700,00 to build CVN Clinic in Oklahoma City and $650,000 to additional projects at CVN Lawton.
The Red Rock Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) through 988 started on July 5th, 2022. 988 and MCR were enacted through SB3 and HB2877, both were signed into law by Governor Stitt April 19, 2021. Initially, the bill led to the creation of VOP/VRT services for Red Rock. An additional measure required officers to transport individuals in need of treatment by a mental health professional or subject to an emergency detention or protective custody order, to the nearest facility within a 30-mile radius. The law enforcement agency that transported such an individual to an urgent recovery clinic is responsible for any subsequent transportation of such individual pending completion of the initial assessment, emergency detention, protective custody, or inpatient services. If no such facility is available, the bill provided for the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to create a new transportation system in the state to provide such transportation. While CCMHC/CCBHC have always required Mobile Response services. The first MRC contract was approved in May 2022, for $185,000 for the remainder of FY22.
FY 23
August 2022, the Arvest Foundation awards $10,000 to the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Red Rock in Lawton.
Red Rock BHS collaborates with Southwestern Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA), to provide the Mobile MAT Clinic which made its debut at Hobart, Elk City and Weatherford Outpatient Clinics and is planned to serve Jackson, Kiowa, and Greer counties.
In September 2022, Red Rock is awarded the CCBHC IA Grant from SAMHSA, a $4M grant providing $1M a year for 4 years. Focusing on the strengthening of co-occurring services across Red Rock’s outpatient services. This is done by adding a strong focus on SUD training from the training department directly to OP staff. The grant also provides funding for specialized leads in SUD at each site to help oversee the level of SUD services being provided at each site.
Red Rock expanded Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) clinics to participants in Yukon. Additionally, the Shawnee MAT clinic opened its doors in September of 2022.
In October of 2022, the Clinical Development Department started offering clinical training to outside stakeholders and clinicians. This enhanced recruitment and revenue. The first (45-hour) Oklahoma Board of Behavioral Health Examiners Supervisory Equivalency Course was offered through Red Rock and is offered four times per year.
December 2022, Steven Cohen Military Family Clinic at Red Rock in Colorado Springs, CO celebrates its Grand Opening attended by Gov. Jared Polis.
Red Rock is awarded the FEMA Shawnee Tornado Relief Grant totaling in the amount of $158,067 to provide counseling services to those affected by the natural disaster that struck the city of Shawnee.
Offices at the Paragon Building in OKC finish construction and OKC Red Rock Staff move into a new home.
In February, Red Rock BHS is given 2023 Top Workplaces in USA award by Energage. Red Rock is also given the 2023 Top Woman-Led Workplaces USA award.
Shawnee PD awards Red Rock the Shawnee PD-CIT grant totaling $37,993 to provide Shawnee law enforcement with a ride along Case Worker to intervene in mental health crises, as well as a referral contract to provide urgent recovery services to consumers brought in by Shawnee law enforcement.
May 2023, Chickasha is the next in the expansion of MAT services, now providing services from their own MAT clinic.
In December 2023 the Clinical Development Department offered for the year 71 workshops with over 580 CEU’s for Red Rock staff. The Clinical Development Department started offering a select number of webinars.
FY 24
August 2023 Shawnee Crisis Unit and Urgent Recovery Clinic opens its doors as the second Urgent Recovery Clinic and Crisis Unit for Red Rock BHS.
October 2023 Red Rock Behavioral Health Services is named the certified community behavioral health clinic serving Cleveland and McClain counties. Red Rock announces a new clinic in Cleveland and McClain counties, that would provide a different model of treating mental health and addiction. ODMHSAS awarded Red Rock due to a proven track record of serving Oklahoma.
Red Rock BHS Specialized Services is awarded the FOCUS award from Gilead Focus Public Health Initiative to develop replicable model programs that reflect their national projects: Hepatitis C Elimination and HIV: Ending the Epidemic. This grant provided $168,549 that funded Red Rock’s Hep C/HIV Opt-Out Screening Program. Specifically, the monies awarded fund the addition of a Hep C Navigator and a Prevention Programs Coordinator and all the labs that are required within the program. This is a pilot program for Red Rock much to the excitement of Gilead as this is their first venture funding a public health initiative in a Mental Health agency.
Steven Cohen Military Family Clinic at Red Rock in Oklahoma City opens its doors, making the transition from a soft opening offering virtual services to post 9/11 servicemembers to grand opening providing in person services to the veteran community.
November 2023 El Reno celebrates the opening of its Urgent Recovery Clinic with an open house.
December 2023 Red Rock announces the grand opening of its Elk City Urgent Recovery Clinic marking a significant step towards building a brighter, more compassionate future for Elk City and the entire state of Oklahoma.
In January 2024, the Clinical Development Department released the new 2024 Red Rock Course Catalogue.
February 2024 – Red Rock makes the tough decision and announces the closure of Jordan’s Crossing, ending more than a decades-long journey in providing residential mental health and addiction recovery support to mothers in Oklahoma.
Family Treatment Court services are expanded into Blaine County with a total of $10,000. This contract allows Red Rock to assist the family members of consumers who go through drug court with family strengthening services.
Be gentle with yourself.
…do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness… Be gentle with yourself.
–Max Ehrmann, 1927
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