What is Medicaid?
Medicaid is a state and federal program that pays for medical services for low-income pregnant women; children; individuals who are elderly or have a disability; parents, and women with breast or cervical cancer. To qualify, these individuals must meet income and other eligibility requirements.
In 2020, Oklahomans voted to expand Medicaid eligibility to ALL legal Oklahoma citizens aged 19-64 with income below 138 percent of the federal poverty level.
Am I Eligible?
Medicaid is a program that covers medical expenses for certain groups of people who have limited income and resources. Red Rock Behavioral Health Services can help you determine whether or not you are eligible. If you are eligible, we can help you sign up to have coverage before you need it! There are no health questions on the application. There is no retroactive coverage for previous bills.
Click the button below to be redirected to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
How To Enroll in Medicaid
Who Qualifies?
- Oklahoma residents
- United States citizen or legal residentBetween the ages 19-64
- Children and pregnant women stay on Sooner
- Care at higher income levels.
- For self-employed or independent contractors, income is “net” after business deductions.
- Unemployed or $0 income adults should qualify, even if they do not have children. No work requirement.
- Income numbers are estimates. Higher incomes may be accepted, and not all types of income count towards total. If your income is higher, consider applying.
- If you have been denied before, apply again. Other rules and qualifications may apply.
What Benefits Will I Get?
- No monthly premiums, application fees or deductibles
- Medical and behavioral health coverage
- Pre-existing conditions are covered for future treatment
- Six prescriptions per month (two name brand)
- Choose your Primary Care Physician (as long as they accept Medicaid)
- FREE smoking cessation assistance
- Diabetic Supplies
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Family Planning Services
- Hearing Screening
- Immunizations
- Lab and X-ray services
- Mammograms
- Up to four Physician visits per month
- Transportation (via SoonerRide, non-emergency covered medical services)
- Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy
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